Saturday, April 30, 2011

No Smoking Sign

This sign is universally recognized as a no-smoking sign. It is displayed in areas where smoking is prohibited. The design of this sign allows viewers to distinctly understanding that smoking is not allowed, regardless of what language they speak or what country they are in.

The sign is aligned so that the cigarette is in the middle of the sign, and a circle with  a slash is centered around the cigarette. This draws the eye immediately to the cigarette. The sign is in the shape of a vertical rectangle which is typical of most signs. It allows adequate room to display the sign's message. The sign also has balance, where the picture is equally distributed on the sign. 
The color scheme of the no-smoking sign is a simple, eye-catching scheme of red, black, and white. The black and white are neutral colors and red is a bright primary color. The use of a white background allows the attention of the viewer to focus on the red circle and the black cigarette. The color red often signifies danger or a warning and lets the viewer know not to smoke.

The sign is arranged so that there is a flame just above the end of the cigarette, indicating it is lit. The end of the cigarette is typically to the left, and the lit part of it is normally to the right. This allows for consistency from sign to sign. The sign uses a directional to indicate the picture beneath it is not allowed. This directional is the slash moving from the top left of the circle to the bottom right of the circle.

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